For the last four years, I have been taking my fifth grade classes to Walker Creek Ranch in Marshall, California for a week of outdoor science camp. Despite the amount of work it takes to get my kids out there, this week continues to be one of my favorite weeks of the entire school year, hands down.
Student Growth
Leading up to the event, students are very nervous. Leaving their parents and comforts of their own homes, for an unknown experience can be terrifying. They don't know what the food will be like, who their roommates will be, or what their days will be filled with. They ask endless questions, and want to see pictures, and want their concerns to be heard. I do my best to address them, without giving away too many surprises about what they will encounter and experience.
My students this year really stepped up to the occasion! The majority of them were very well behaved and had a fantastic time. They pushed themselves up to the top of Walker Peak on their all day hike, and challenged themselves to do a creek crawl in the very chilly Walker Creek. They got to learn specialized science content from their naturalists, and reflected on their way of life and how they can be more connected to nature. At the closing ceremonies, the most repeated message was one of caring more about the world around them.
The absolute best part of this trip, is providing a place for my students to get out of the classroom and prove to themselves what they are capable of. Oftentimes, I get to see a whole different side of students at Walker Creek than I do in the classroom. Students who have a really hard time in the classroom, can often excel once they get outdoors. I can now recognize strengths in them that I had never seen before. I have one student who frequently struggles in class to make friends or complete school work, but at Walker Creek he became well known for his knowledge of reptiles and ability to catch lizards and classify snakes. It touches my heart to see them shine in different ways than I'm used to. They also push themselves tremendously to try new activities and foods, and make tons of new friends with students from other schools in the district. They are exhausted by the end of the week!
Teacher Growth
Not only is this week great for my students, but it's an amazing time for me as well. At this time of year, teaching 5th grade can be very challenging, believe it or not. I find myself getting more and more frustrated and tired as my students start to get more and more ready for summer, middle school, and puberty. This week with my kids totally revitalized me for the rest of the school year.
I was eating lunch with two boys from my school on Wednesday, when one boy said to me out of nowhere, "You're free out here." I wasn't sure if I heard him correctly so I asked him what he said. He repeats, "Well, at school you have to be all strict and stuff, but you're so free out here." His comment hit so close to my heart it brought a tear to my eye; I just couldn't have put it in any better words myself. Very simply, I am freed of my traditional curricular teaching duties, which frees me up to be me, do some really important bonding with my students, and provides me space for personal reflection.
One of the most tiring parts of this trip is that you must be available to your students 24 hours a day, which means they may, and they will, show up at your door at 2:30 in the morning because they're homesick or don't feel good. Fortunately for me, my class slept quite well, and my latest visitor usually came at 11:30 every night. She would get homesick most evenings and needed a little support. These nightly visits with her became one of my favorite parts of the trip. We would share stories from the day, talk about our fears, and best of all, talk about our pets at home. I would never have a chance to bond in such a way in the classroom. I think it is truly important for my students to see my "free" side, and for me to get to know them more personally and support them when they are feeling their weakest. We all have a much stronger relationship now that we know each other in a whole new light. They also got to see me stumble out of bed into the dining hall, without brushed teeth or hair, and my PJs still on...hopefully they still have some respect for me ;)
I also got to spend some time alone while hiking between student groups, or staying on infirmary duty during the day. I spent a lot of time reflecting on how lucky I am. How lucky I am to have a career that takes me to places like this. How lucky I am to be in such an incredibly beautiful place, which is literally only a few miles from my home. How lucky I am to have such a fun job, with such amazing students. How lucky I am to have such amazing colleagues, both those that were there with me (who are so strong and stayed up endless hours taking care of students and dealing with challenges all day and night), and those who were staying connected with me through Twitter and Voxer throughout the week providing support and earning me a free ticket to Google Summit! At this time in the school year, it is hard to remember all these things to be grateful for, so I am especially grateful for my time to reflect and enjoy what's going on around me.
I am exhausted and spent most of today sleeping to try to regain my energy, and I'll be working most of tomorrow to catch up from the week I was away from school, but that still doesn't change the fact that I can't wait to go again next year!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Reflections and Goals from #Cue14
Is it really over already?
As I wait for my delayed flight at the Palm Springs airport, I can’t help but wonder, is it really over already? It seems like just yesterday that I was running from my classroom to the copy room and back to finish my sub plans two minutes before having to leave. While walking through the adorable airport this morning, looking at the palm trees and finely manicured flowers, I had a reminiscent feeling of leaving summer camp as a child. I independently ventured out to this new location in the desert, so very different from my usual surroundings. There was phenomenal sunny weather, with a classic swimming pool and "cabana boys" to serve us food and drinks during our #poolsidepd (ok, that was not typical at my summer camps, but still worth mentioning). We took risks to help us grow and make rites of passages as educators; always learning and trying new things. We played naughty board games when the adults weren’t looking (#cardsagainsthumanity), and did some arts and crafts (#knitting #chartreusescarf #youhadtobethere). And lastly, and most importantly (for me anyways), we forged new bonds and made friends with people from around the world. I had two roommates who stayed up with me way too late chatting every night; recapping the witty remarks, tweets, and silly adventures of the day. We also were lucky enough to know a local who took us to the best Mexican dinner I’ve had in years, to have some great conversations. These friendships will never be forgotten, and will hopefully continue to flourish (the only difference being we won’t be hand writing letters afterwards to stay in contact, but using “The Twitters” instead). I couldn’t help but feel a ping of sadness about leaving, and having to wait until next year to experience this again.
Although this was my first time attending Annual CUE, it was not my first CUE event. It all started last May at an affiliate North Bay CUE event, and I have gone to every CUE event I have heard about since then in my area. After each conference I feel inspired, innovative, and ready to take on the world to change the education system. But then I get back to school and parents and students and assessments and report cards and principals and expectations and goals and evaluations, and I am no longer surrounded by all the #eduawesome educators of the CUE organization who are ready to change the world with me, and already are. Although I have changed many of my practices since last May, and use many new tools, I still haven’t implemented many of the outstanding ideas I have learned at past conferences, and don’t feel I have become that innovative teacher I would like to be for my students. I’ve reflected on this in the past, and have tried to set up meetings with other attendees to share what we have learned, and keep each other accountable, but it’s always hard to find the time with a group of educators who work 10+ hour days and run from place to place. So this time, I have decided to set four goals for myself, and I am making it public so that my #edubully friends (you know who you are) can help me change my ways. Here they are:
- Blog
- Create a culture of “Literary Nerds” in my classroom
- Get my students Google Drive accounts
- Start 20% Time in my classroom
I’ve been told for quite some time now that I need to be blogging. There are some people that feel the need to make this clear to me daily (thanks for the #edupressure)! The rationale being that educators need to be sharing what they’re doing to spread #eduawesomeness, whether it be reflections for personal reasons, or activities they’re doing in the classroom. It was hard for me to find time in the past to do this, but after reading some awesome blogs this weekend in the blogging cafe (Joe Wood, John Stevens, Linda Yollis, and Jennifer Kloczko), I realized I need to take the plunge. I also want to get my students to start blogging to share and publish their learning, and it’s just not fair to expect them to do something that I am not doing myself.
Literary Nerds
I absolutely loved @MeganRoseEllis's session on creating a classroom of literary nerds (resources here). She shared some great practical ideas on how to get your students to read, and love it! Starting in April, I will no longer have the students fill out paper reading logs (that are often filled in randomly at the end of the month) and will instead have the students fill out a Google Form, with responses posted directly below on my website. Students can share what they’re reading and write book recommendations for each other. I need to look into some of the book recommendation websites she shared, like Biblionasium or GoodReads and decide if I want to take that extra step. At the end of the year, I will also hold a Book Club party with the students where they can meet in small groups to share out what they have read, and bring some kind of food to share with their group that represents some part of their book. Lastly, I hope to find 10 minutes every Friday to share out a book in class. I would love to get my principal to come in and do this as well!
Drive Accounts
So many of the awesome ideas I learn at CUE events make so much more sense when the students have Drive accounts. At the moment, my district is hesitant to allow accounts for students, even though we are already a Gafe district. Our school just purchased a class set of shared Chromebooks to use in our classrooms (well, they were bought for testing, but I will make sure to use them!). In my eyes, it now appears to be imperative for students to have these accounts. I want my students to be cross-aged writing tutors under the advice of Scott Bedley, Sean Ziebarth, and Bill Selak, and I want them to create a digital portfolio on Google Sites (idea from Trevor Mattea and Nicole Dalesio). Lastly, in my class we are starting a huge state report project, with in home and at school work, research and typing. How else could they get their materials back and forth?? Flash drives? Too messy... I will most likely be having to address admin for this one to happen.
My last, and most ambitious goal is to start 20% Time/Genius Hour in my classroom. After seeing sessions from Kevin Brookhouser and Kate Petty, and personal conversations with many, especially Karl LS, I don’t need any more convincing. I have introduced the idea to my students, had them brainstorm about what they are passionate about, and got them excited. Next steps: inform parents about what I’m doing to get them on-board, find a time in the week when I can get both sets of shared iPads or Chromebooks, and start talking to the kids about their proposals for projects. I might need to spend some time looking through resources from Mike Taylor and Anne Newman to get help with the little details that I’m not ready to consider yet. Also hoping to get my students' Google Sites set up so that they have a place to share their projects and reflections from this time in class. Wish me luck!
Back to Reality
Tomorrow I will be up bright and early, and back to “the grind.” Hopefully these goals, and a #TechieTuesday with Ali deGuia (and anyone else who would like to come!), will help me stay on track to create a classroom where students love to come to school and learn in authentic ways (#teamkid).
I cannot say thank you enough to those who made this experience so special for me! I definitely cannot list everyone who made an impact on my long weekend as it would be too long, but some that have to be mentioned: my favorite North Bay crew (Fadeji, Ali deGuia, Tracy Walker and Sergio), Etc. etc. etc. Voxer crew (Victoria Olson, Karl LS, and John Stevens), and some of my favorite presenters (Mark Hammons, Lisa Highfill, Joe Wood, Jon Corippo, and Diane Main). As I keep finding myself getting emotional about saying goodbye and leaving the inspiration that is CUE, I keep telling myself, “Just remember, we will always have Voxer!” :)
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Sunshine Award: #LiveNotLive from #GafeSummit
My First Blog Post...Dedicated to @LS_Karl
Direction #2: Share 11 random facts about myself (harder than you may think!)
#3 I'm still dating my high school sweetheart <3
#4 I know this is incredibly cliche, but I LOVE to travel! The most beautiful place I've ever visited was Interlaken, Switzerland, where I decided to jump out of a helicopter to parachute through the alps.
#5 I taught an ESL class to adult Spanish speakers with some of my favorite ladies (@mrsfadeji, @jenny_derby, and @missamandagrey).
#6 I've been teaching for 4 years, which has felt like forever, but I still feel brand new.
#7 I can burp pretty loud on command. #embarrassing, but I'm not afraid to show you if you want ;) I actually won a burping contest in front of my whole high school senior year.
#8 I love to blast music as loud as possible while cleaning the house. This week, my favorite Songza station is "Cardio Hip Hop." I had to get down to a little Juvenile before vacuuming my closet. #dancelikenooneswatching
#9 I'm pretty sure my spirit animal is a sloth...I am seriously the laziest person I know...which might explain why it took me so long to start my blog!
#10 My family runs two bakeries, in Point Reyes and Petaluma. #pastrysnob #gratefulformymetabolism
#11 I'm very content wherever I am and never want to leave, but I always love when I do, and usually end up in places like this:
Direction #3: Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for me.
2. If you could travel to any place right now, where would you go?
3. What are you REALLY good at? (don’t be bashful)
I am REALLY good at sleeping! Honestly, I can fall asleep anywhere, and I can sleep forever. I can sleep for 12 hours a night, and then take two naps, and go to bed at a normal time that evening. I don't know if this is something to be proud of, but it is definitely what I am best at.
5. When you want to totally relax, what does that look like for you?
Ultimate relaxation usually comes during a massage, but I usually can't afford that. On a regular basis, I am totally relaxed when I'm watching a movie and tucked under blankets on the couch with a fire going, with my dog and cat tucked on either side of me.
7. What’s one of your favorite childhood memories?
8. What is your favorite quote or at least one that speaks to you?
9. Most exotic (or just plain crazy) food you have ever eaten?
I was at a mountain resort in Chile in middle school and we were served ostrich carpaccio. It was quite good!
Direction #4: List 11 bloggers that I believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love
I think I'm too new to this blogging thing to know 11 bloggers, so here's my short list (copying some from Fadeji):
Amy Fadeji
Kenneth Durham
Jenny Derby (Can't wait to read your first post!)
Mike Taylor (Time for you to start my friend)
Karl LSVictoria Olsen
John Stevens
Lisa Highfill (Need to find this one to start reading regularly)
Direction #5: Post 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate.
1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
2. What are your favorite weekend activities?
3. What's your favorite thing about working in education?
4. If you could have dinner with anyone from your PLN, who would it be?
5. What are you known for at your school?
6. How do you celebrate your birthday?
7. What is your current favorite tech tool (either personal or educational)?
8. Do you have pets?
9. What's the craziest adventure you've ever been on?
10. Were you a good student when you were in school?
11. What are you an expert at (doesn't have to be a good thing)?
As I sit in a classroom at New Tech High School in Napa at #gafesummit, I can't help but think back to last May when I went to my first technology conference as a teacher, Connect CUE, and was blown away by @AlideGuia and @coach_sv. I can't help but to reflect on how much my job and life have changed since then, and I'm so grateful that I can now call these two superstars friends. I have met so many awesome educators, my PLN has grown exponentially thanks to Twitter, and have gone to numerous techie events that have inspired me to change my teaching. I must dedicate this blog to Karl LS because without his #edupressure and twitter bombs, this blog post never would have happened! This might not be the most profound, educational post, but you'll definitely get to learn a lot about me.
Direction #1: Acknowledge the nominating blogger
Direction #1: Acknowledge the nominating blogger
I'm not sure where to even start to describe Amy Fadeji (@mrsfadeji). I'm not sure there are even words great enough to describe her enthusiasm and amazing personality! Amy and I met in 2009 when she was a new hire at the school where I was starting my student teaching. A small group of us young, new hires all became friends, and soon jokingly starting calling ourselves "The Inner Circle." When I got hired at the same school, Amy and I decided to be buddy teachers. We would come up with any excuse to get our classes together to selfishly spend time with each other :)
Although Amy and I have been friends for years, over the last year we have gotten much closer, and I have witnessed Amy blossom into an incredible administrator and a very supportive friend. This started when we went to Costa Rica last summer with the other ladies from our "inner circle." We had some crazy experiences that ranged from getting robbed on the beach, to turning down Latin men at the dance clubs. But I really got to witness her amazingness when we spent two days together at Fall Cue. She is a great model for being a life long, enthusiastic learner, has no fear of approaching anyone and hugging them for sharing with her on Twitter, and usually always organizes some kind of dance party at the end of sessions. Her energy is limitless, and her compassion for others is contagious and inspiring!
Direction #2: Share 11 random facts about myself (harder than you may think!)
#1 I am obsessed with my pets! I mean, how could you not want to cuddle with these two all day!
#2 I have a large group of friends that I have been friends with since kindergarten or before.
#3 I'm still dating my high school sweetheart <3
#4 I know this is incredibly cliche, but I LOVE to travel! The most beautiful place I've ever visited was Interlaken, Switzerland, where I decided to jump out of a helicopter to parachute through the alps.
#5 I taught an ESL class to adult Spanish speakers with some of my favorite ladies (@mrsfadeji, @jenny_derby, and @missamandagrey).
#6 I've been teaching for 4 years, which has felt like forever, but I still feel brand new.
#7 I can burp pretty loud on command. #embarrassing, but I'm not afraid to show you if you want ;) I actually won a burping contest in front of my whole high school senior year.
#8 I love to blast music as loud as possible while cleaning the house. This week, my favorite Songza station is "Cardio Hip Hop." I had to get down to a little Juvenile before vacuuming my closet. #dancelikenooneswatching
#9 I'm pretty sure my spirit animal is a sloth...I am seriously the laziest person I know...which might explain why it took me so long to start my blog!
#10 My family runs two bakeries, in Point Reyes and Petaluma. #pastrysnob #gratefulformymetabolism
#11 I'm very content wherever I am and never want to leave, but I always love when I do, and usually end up in places like this:
Direction #3: Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for me.
1. What is your greatest fear?
My greatest fear has to be that I am going to disappoint my family. They have given me so much and are so incredible, and I would hate to let them down.
2. If you could travel to any place right now, where would you go?
I have been dying to go to Thailand. I have heard such amazing things, and have never traveled to Asia.
3. What are you REALLY good at? (don’t be bashful)
I am REALLY good at sleeping! Honestly, I can fall asleep anywhere, and I can sleep forever. I can sleep for 12 hours a night, and then take two naps, and go to bed at a normal time that evening. I don't know if this is something to be proud of, but it is definitely what I am best at.
4. Do you make New Years resolutions? If so, what will they be for 2014?
My first resolution is to workout more often. Isn't that true for everybody? I also need to work on staying more organized in my classroom and at home. And lastly, this year I am finally going to conquer my lifelong procrastination problem...I think I'll start tomorrow ;)
5. When you want to totally relax, what does that look like for you?
Ultimate relaxation usually comes during a massage, but I usually can't afford that. On a regular basis, I am totally relaxed when I'm watching a movie and tucked under blankets on the couch with a fire going, with my dog and cat tucked on either side of me.
6. Describe your perfect day.
Sleeping in (#obviously), going out to breakfast with my man (#eggsbenedict), walk on the beach with my dad and sister, a puzzle and dinner at mom's house, and drinks and dance party with my girls late night! (I think I just described my whole winter break in one day)
7. What’s one of your favorite childhood memories?
In 1989 I was three years old and was in my birthday suit (outfit of choice at that time). All of a sudden, the floor started to move and as I looked at the shelves, things were flying off them. Before I knew it, my dad swooped me up and ran me out of the house to save me from the Lome Prieta earthquake!
8. What is your favorite quote or at least one that speaks to you?
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford (I mostly like the requote by Stewie Griffin)
9. Most exotic (or just plain crazy) food you have ever eaten?
I was at a mountain resort in Chile in middle school and we were served ostrich carpaccio. It was quite good!
10. What is one of the funniest things a kid has ever said to you?
A student asked me today, "What is it like when you walk off the edge of the Earth?"
A student asked me today, "What is it like when you walk off the edge of the Earth?"
11. What percentage of the people you work with do you think are actually “in it” for the right reasons?
Direction #4: List 11 bloggers that I believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love
I think I'm too new to this blogging thing to know 11 bloggers, so here's my short list (copying some from Fadeji):
Amy Fadeji
Kenneth Durham
Jenny Derby (Can't wait to read your first post!)
Mike Taylor (Time for you to start my friend)
Karl LSVictoria Olsen
John Stevens
Lisa Highfill (Need to find this one to start reading regularly)
Direction #5: Post 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate.
1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
2. What are your favorite weekend activities?
3. What's your favorite thing about working in education?
4. If you could have dinner with anyone from your PLN, who would it be?
5. What are you known for at your school?
6. How do you celebrate your birthday?
7. What is your current favorite tech tool (either personal or educational)?
8. Do you have pets?
9. What's the craziest adventure you've ever been on?
10. Were you a good student when you were in school?
11. What are you an expert at (doesn't have to be a good thing)?
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