Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sunshine Award: #LiveNotLive from #GafeSummit

My First Blog Post...Dedicated to @LS_Karl
As I sit in a classroom at New Tech High School in Napa at #gafesummit, I can't help but think back to last May when I went to my first technology conference as a teacher, Connect CUE, and was blown away by @AlideGuia and @coach_sv. I can't help but to reflect on how much my job and life have changed since then, and I'm so grateful that I can now call these two superstars friends. I have met so many awesome educators, my PLN has grown exponentially thanks to Twitter, and have gone to numerous techie events that have inspired me to change my teaching. I must dedicate this blog to Karl LS because without his #edupressure and twitter bombs, this blog post never would have happened! This might not be the most profound, educational post, but you'll definitely get to learn a lot about me. 

Direction #1: Acknowledge the nominating blogger  

I'm not sure where to even start to describe Amy Fadeji (@mrsfadeji). I'm not sure there are even words great enough to describe her enthusiasm and amazing personality! Amy and I met in 2009 when she was a new hire at the school where I was starting my student teaching. A small group of us young, new hires all became friends, and soon jokingly starting calling ourselves "The Inner Circle." When I got hired at the same school, Amy and I decided to be buddy teachers. We would come up with any excuse to get our classes together to selfishly spend time with each other :) 

Although Amy and I have been friends for years, over the last year we have gotten much closer, and I have witnessed Amy blossom into an incredible administrator and a very supportive friend. This started when we went to Costa Rica last summer with the other ladies from our "inner circle." We had some crazy experiences that ranged from getting robbed on the beach, to turning down Latin men at the dance clubs. But I really got to witness her amazingness when we spent two days together at Fall Cue. She is a great model for being a life long, enthusiastic learner, has no fear of approaching anyone and hugging them for sharing with her on Twitter, and usually always organizes some kind of dance party at the end of sessions. Her energy is limitless, and her compassion for others is contagious and inspiring!

Direction #2: Share 11 random facts about myself (harder than you may think!) 

#1 I am obsessed with my pets! I mean, how could you not want to cuddle with these two all day! 

#2 I have a large group of friends that I have been friends with since kindergarten or before.

#3 I'm still dating my high school sweetheart <3

#4 I know this is incredibly cliche, but I LOVE to travel! The most beautiful place I've ever visited was Interlaken, Switzerland, where I decided to jump out of a helicopter to parachute through the alps.

#5 I taught an ESL class to adult Spanish speakers with some of my favorite ladies (@mrsfadeji, @jenny_derby, and @missamandagrey).

#6 I've been teaching for 4 years, which has felt like forever,  but I still feel brand new.

#7 I can burp pretty loud on command. #embarrassing, but I'm not afraid to show you if you want ;) I actually won a burping contest in front of my whole high school senior year.

#8 I love to blast music as loud as possible while cleaning the house. This week, my favorite Songza station is "Cardio Hip Hop." I had to get down to a little Juvenile before vacuuming my closet. #dancelikenooneswatching

#9  I'm pretty sure my spirit animal is a sloth...I am seriously the laziest person I know...which might explain why it took me so long to start my blog!

#10 My family runs two bakeries, in Point Reyes and Petaluma. #pastrysnob #gratefulformymetabolism

#11  I'm very content wherever I am and never want to leave, but I always love when I do, and usually end up in places like this: 

Direction #3: Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for me. 
1. What is your greatest fear? 
My greatest fear has to be that I am going to disappoint my family. They have given me so much and are so incredible, and I would hate to let them down. 

2. If you could travel to any place right now, where would you go? 
I have been dying to go to Thailand. I have heard such amazing things, and have never traveled to Asia. 

3. What are you REALLY good at? (don’t be bashful)
I am REALLY good at sleeping! Honestly, I can fall asleep anywhere, and I can sleep forever. I can sleep for 12 hours a night, and then take two naps, and go to bed at a normal time that evening. I don't know if this is something to be proud of, but it is definitely what I am best at. 

4. Do you make New Years resolutions? If so, what will they be for 2014? 
My first resolution is to workout more often. Isn't that true for everybody? I also need to work on staying more organized in my classroom and at home. And lastly, this year I am finally going to conquer my lifelong procrastination problem...I think I'll start tomorrow ;) 

5. When you want to totally relax, what does that look like for you?
Ultimate relaxation usually comes during a massage, but I usually can't afford that. On a regular basis, I am totally relaxed when I'm watching a movie and tucked under blankets on the couch with a fire going, with my dog and cat tucked on either side of me. 

6. Describe your perfect day. 
Sleeping in (#obviously), going out to breakfast with my man (#eggsbenedict), walk on the beach with my dad and sister, a puzzle and dinner at mom's house, and drinks and dance party with my girls late night! (I think I just described my whole winter break in one day)

7. What’s one of your favorite childhood memories? 
In 1989 I was three years old and was in my birthday suit (outfit of choice at that time). All of a sudden, the floor started to move and as I looked at the shelves, things were flying off them. Before I knew it, my dad swooped me up and ran me out of the house to save me from the Lome Prieta earthquake! 

8. What is your favorite quote or at least one that speaks to you? 
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford (I mostly like the requote by Stewie Griffin)

9. Most exotic (or just plain crazy) food you have ever eaten?
I was at a mountain resort in Chile in middle school and we were served ostrich carpaccio. It was quite good! 

10. What is one of the funniest things a kid has ever said to you? 
A student asked me today, "What is it like when you walk off the edge of the Earth?" 

11. What percentage of the people you work with do you think are actually “in it” for the right reasons? 

Direction #4: List 11 bloggers that I believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love 

I think I'm too new to this blogging thing to know 11 bloggers, so here's my short list (copying some from Fadeji):

Amy Fadeji 

Kenneth Durham
Jenny Derby (Can't wait to read your first post!)

Mike Taylor (Time for you to start my friend)
Karl LS
Victoria Olsen 

John Stevens 
Lisa Highfill (Need to find this one to start reading regularly)

Direction #5: Post 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate. 

1. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

2. What are your favorite weekend activities? 
3. What's your favorite thing about working in education? 
4. If you could have dinner with anyone from your PLN, who would it be? 
5. What are you known for at your school? 
6. How do you celebrate your birthday? 
7. What is your current favorite tech tool (either personal or educational)?
8. Do you have pets? 
9. What's the craziest adventure you've ever been on?
10. Were you a good student when you were in school? 
11. What are you an expert at (doesn't have to be a good thing)? 

1 comment:

  1. Ash, You push me to try new things constantly. Thank you for your kind words. I was blown away by them and have to admit, I read them twice because you filled my heart in more ways than one. Although you may think you're the laziest person ever, you're that person I wish I was who just grabs the extension or tries the new app right on the spot instead of adding it to the "to do" list, like I do. I'm looking forward to a continued adventure of learning together and I'm not going to stop reminding you to blog A LOT. I haven't blogged in weeks and it's killing me. #badexample Your students are so lucky. And as your friend, I consider myself pretty darn lucky as well. #jefedamesusllavesporfavor
